What Kills Mold On Car Leather Seats?

Last Updated on October 6, 2023 by Matthew Lloyd

You can try several effective methods to kill mold from car leather seats. One option is to use bleach. Dampen a paper towel with bleach and gently rub the affected areas. Afterward, neutralize the bleach with a leather-friendly spray. Another approach is to use a steam cleaner. Direct the steam towards the moldy spots, then wipe away the loosened mold with a cloth. If you prefer a natural solution, mix white vinegar and water in a spray bottle, apply it to a cloth, and gently wipe the affected areas. Let it sit for 15 minutes before wiping it clean and allowing the seats to air dry. Apply a leather conditioner afterward. These methods kill mold from your car’s leather seats and restore cleanliness.

Method 1: Using Bleach

bleach kills mold on leather car seats car
Using Bleach to Kill Mold On Car Leather Seats

Mold on car leather seats can be eliminated using various methods. Bleach is a powerful agent that kills mold from car leather seats quickly. Follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Gather Your Materials: Before starting the cleaning process, make sure you have the following items ready:

  • Plain bleach (avoid using color-safe bleach)
  • Paper towels
  • Leather-friendly spray (e.g., “Spray Away”)
  • Clean cloth

Step 2: Dampen the Paper Towel: Dampen a paper towel with bleach. Ensure the towel is not soaking wet but has enough bleach to tackle the mold.

Step 3: Gently Rub the Affected Areas: With the bleach-soaked towel, gently rub the moldy areas of the leather seats. Pay close attention to the moldy spots, ensuring thorough coverage.

Step 4: Allow the Bleach to Sit: After rubbing the bleach onto the mold, allow it to sit for a few seconds. This gives the bleach time to dissolve and break down the mold, making removing it easier.

Step 5: Neutralize the Bleach: To prevent any potential damage to the leather, it’s crucial to neutralize the bleach. Use a leather-friendly spray, such as “Spray Away.” Apply the neutralizing agent directly to the seats, covering all the areas treated with bleach.

Step 6: Let it Sit and Wipe Off: Allow the neutralizing agent to sit on the seats briefly as directed on the product label. Afterward, take a clean cloth and wipe off the neutralizing agent along with any remaining bleach residue.

Take a moment to admire your clean and mold-free leather seats. The bleach should have effectively removed the mold, leaving your seats fresh and restored.

Method 2: Utilizing a Steam Cleaner

Getting Rid Of Terrible Mold In My Car With steamer and ozone
Steam Cleaning to Kill Mold On Car Leather Seats

Steam cleaners are excellent tools for cleaning various surfaces, including cleaning mold off car leather seats. To use a steam cleaner to eliminate mold:

Step 1: Acquire a Suitable Steam Cleaner: Ensure you have a steam cleaner suitable for automotive use. Look for a model specifically designed for cleaning car interiors.

Step 2: Set up and Prepare the Steam Cleaner: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to set up and prepare the steam cleaner properly. This may involve filling the water tank, attaching necessary attachments, and heating the device.

Step 3: Direct the Nozzle Towards the Affected Areas: Direct the steam cleaner’s nozzle toward the moldy areas of the leather seats. Hold the nozzle a few inches from the surface to avoid damaging the leather.

Step 4: Move the Nozzle Back and Forth: Move the steam cleaner’s nozzle back and forth over the moldy spots. This allows the steam to penetrate the mold and loosen its grip on the leather.

Step 5: Wipe Away the Loosened Mold: After applying steam to the moldy areas, take a clean cloth and gently wipe away the loosened mold. Be thorough in wiping all the affected spots to ensure complete removal.

Step 6: Repeat if Necessary: If stubborn mold stains remain, repeat the process by applying steam and wiping the area. Some mold may require multiple treatments for complete removal.

Method 3: Natural Approach with White Vinegar:

For those who prefer natural remedies, white vinegar is an effective option. Follow these steps to remove mold from car leather seats using white vinegar:

Step 1: Dilute White Vinegar. In a spray bottle, dilute white vinegar with equal water. This mixture will create a mild yet effective cleaning solution.

Step 2: Dampen a Cloth Spray the vinegar-water mixture onto a cloth, ensuring it is damp but not overly saturated. This will prevent over-moisturizing and potential damage to the leather.

Step 3: Gently Wipe the Affected Areas With the dampened cloth, gently wipe the affected areas of the leather seats.

Step 4: Allow the Vinegar Solution to Sit. Allow the vinegar solution to sit on the moldy spots for approximately 15 minutes. This provides time for the vinegar’s natural cleaning properties to break down and eliminate the mold.

Step 5: Wipe Away the Vinegar Solution. After the vinegar solution has sat for the desired time, use a clean cloth to wipe away the solution from the seats. Make sure to remove any remaining mold and vinegar residue.

Step 6: Let the Seats Air Dry. Allow the seats to air dry completely. This will ensure moisture from the cleaning process evaporates, leaving the seats dry and ready for use.

Step 7: Apply a Leather Conditioner. To restore moisture and keep the leather supple, apply a suitable leather conditioner after the seats have dried completely. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the leather conditioner product you choose.


Dealing with mold on car leather seats is a task that can be successfully accomplished with the right methods. Whether you choose to use bleach, a steam cleaner, or a natural solution like white vinegar, it’s important to approach the cleaning process carefully and follow the recommended steps. By taking proactive measures and using the techniques outlined in this article, you can restore your car’s leather seats to their former cleanliness and enjoy a fresh and mold-free driving experience.


Does white vinegar kill mold on leather?

Yes, white vinegar can effectively kill mold on leather. Dilute it with water, apply it to a cloth, and gently wipe the affected areas.

Will hydrogen peroxide kill mold on leather?

Hydrogen peroxide can be used to remove mold from leather. Apply it to a towel, wipe off the mold, and clean the leather.

Why does mold keep coming back on car leather seats?

Mold on car leather seats can reappear due to incorrect storage conditions, such as high humidity and inadequate air circulation.

What does mold look like on leather?

Mold on leather typically appears as green or grayish patches. It can have a powdery appearance and a slightly waxy texture.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mold on car leather seats can be effectively removed using bleach, a steam cleaner, or white vinegar.
  • When used carefully, Bleach can eliminate mold stains, and a neutralizing agent should be used afterward.
  • Steam cleaners are excellent for loosening and removing mold from leather seats.
  • White vinegar, when diluted and applied properly, can kill mold and naturally clean leather.
  • Remember to follow safety guidelines and test any cleaning solution on a small, inconspicuous area before applying it to the entire seat.
  • Adequate storage conditions and regular maintenance can help prevent mold growth on leather seats.
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Matthew Lloyd

Matthew Lloyd, a skilled professional in television sound, a passionate car enthusiast, and a dedicated supporter of the Scarlets. With a unique perspective that values individuality, brings their personal touch to everything he do.