Clean Wiper Blades With WD40?

Last Updated on October 6, 2023 by Matthew Lloyd

Wiper blades are essential in keeping your windshield clear and clean during rainy or snowy weather. However, they can become dirty, streaky, and noisy over time. To keep them functioning at their best, cleaning them regularly is necessary.

One effective way to clean wiper blades is by using WD40. It removes the dirt and grime accumulating on the blades’ surface, causing streaking and squeaking sounds.

How To Clean Wiper Blades With WD40?

How To Clean Wiper Blades With WD40
Cleaning Wiper Blades With WD40
  1. Spray a generous amount of WD40 onto a cloth and wipe it over both sides of your wiper blade.
  2. Run the blades up and down on your windshield for about 30 seconds to ensure all the dirt has been removed from their surface.
  3. Wipe any excess residue from the blade’s edge with a dry cloth or paper towel before using it again.

Benefits Of Using Wd40 On Wiper Blade:

Benefits Of Using Wd40 On Wiper Blade
Using Wd40 On Wiper Blade

One of the benefits of using WD40 to clean your wiper blades is that it can help prevent them from cracking or drying out over time. Additionally, this method helps remove any dirt or debris that may have accumulated on the blades, which can cause streaks and reduce visibility when driving in inclement weather.

How To Make Wiper Blades Last Longer?

Don’t Park In The Sun:

Don't Park In The Sun
Don’t Park In The Sun

The intense heat from the sun can cause the rubber on your wiper blades to dry out and crack, reducing their effectiveness. This means that when you need them the most during heavy rain or snowfall, they may not be able to clear your windshield correctly. To prevent this damage, it’s important to park in a shaded area whenever possible.

Be Aware Of Ice:

Be Aware Of Ice
Be Aware Of Ice

Ice can cause significant damage to wiper blades if they’re not cleared off before turning them on. Using wipers while ice is still present could even bend or break them completely. To prevent this from happening, take a few minutes before driving to clear off any ice or snow that has accumulated on your car’s exterior.

Clean Them More:

Clean Them More
Cleaning Wipers blades

Dirt and debris build up on the rubber blade can cause it to crack prematurely or damage the windshield’s surface. To prevent this from happening, use a soft cloth or sponge and a mild soap solution to wipe down the blades after each use.

What Causes Windshield Streaks?

Dirty Wiper Blades

Dirty Wiper Blades
Dirty Wiper Blades

One major cause of windshield streaks is worn-out wiper blades that have become hard and inflexible. These blades no longer make proper contact with the glass surface, leaving behind small patches of water.

Uneven Wiper Blades
Uneven Wiper Blades

Uneven Wiper Blades

Uneven wiper blades can be a frustrating problem for drivers. When the blades don’t make proper contact with the windshield, it can result in streaks and reduced visibility.

Old Wiper Blades
Old Wiper Blades

Old Wiper Blades

Old wiper blades can be a hazard on the road. Over time, they lose their efficiency and leave behind streaks and smears that make it hard to see.

What Is The Best Way To Restore Wiper Blades?

What Is The Best Way To Restore Wiper Blades
Using silicone-based product

A better way to restore wiper blades is by treating them with a dedicated silicone-based product specifically designed for this purpose. These products can help protect the rubber on your wipers from UV rays and other environmental factors that can cause damage over time. Follow the instructions carefully when using these products, as they vary depending on your chosen brand.

Is Vaseline Suitable For Wiper Blades?

Is Vaseline Suitable For Wiper Blades
Using Vaseline on wiper blades

Using Vaseline on wiper blades is less effective than dedicated wiper blade cleaning solutions or WD40. Applying Vaseline on the rubber blades of your wipers may initially make them look shiny and smooth, but it can cause more harm than good in the long run. The petroleum jelly can create a buildup that attracts dirt and debris, resulting in streaky and inefficient wiping.

Can You Lubricate Windshield Wipers?

Can You Lubricate Windshield Wipers
Lubricate Windshield Wipers

Yes, you can lubricate your windshield wipers. Doing so may even prolong the life of your wiper blades and improve their performance. A thin layer of silicone spray or petroleum jelly applied to the rubber blades will help prevent them from sticking to the glass and make them glide more smoothly across the windshield.

How Do I Make My Windshield Wipers Glide Smoothly?

How Do I Make My Windshield Wipers Glide Smoothly
Cleaning Wiper blades regularly

It’s important to clean your windshield regularly since dirt and debris can cause damage to the wiper blades. You can use a soft cloth and glass cleaner for this purpose. Additionally, inspect your wiper blades frequently for signs of wear and tear; if you notice any cracks or other damage on the blade surface, it’s time to replace them. Avoid harsh chemicals like ammonia-based cleaners or vinegar, as they can damage the rubber material of your wiper blades. Instead, consider using specialized products designed for cleaning windshields and wiper blades.

What Is The Best Lubricant For Windshield Wipers?

What Is The Best Lubricant For Windshield Wipers
Cleaning with Silicone-based products

Silicone-based products are often recommended because they protect against UV rays and extreme temperatures while providing long-lasting lubrication. These products form a protective barrier on the wiper blades that helps prevent damage from debris, weather conditions, and general wear and tear.

Is Rubbing Alcohol Good For Wipers?

Is Rubbing Alcohol Good For Wipers
Cleaning with Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is a versatile solution that can be used in many household cleaning tasks. As for wiper blades, they can be an effective tool to keep them clean and functional. Rubbing alcohol helps remove dirt, grime, and other debris that may accumulate on the wipers over time. It also helps prevent streaking and smearing when using the wipers during rainy weather conditions.

Can I Use Soap And Water For The Wiper Fluid?

Using soap and water as a substitute for wiper fluid is not recommended. Wiper fluid is designed to clean your windshield effectively while preventing damage to your car’s wipers and other parts. Soap, on the other hand, can cause streaks and smudges that can impair visibility. Additionally, if too much soap is used, it can leave residue on the windshield that will attract dirt and grime.

Can I Use Dishwashing Liquid For The Wiper Fluid?

Using dishwashing liquid for wiper fluid is not recommended. While both are used as cleaning agents, they work differently when cleaning the windshield. Dishwashing liquid contains chemicals that can damage the rubber blades of your wipers, which may result in smearing or streaking on the windshield.


Using WD-40 to clean your wiper blades might be a quick fix, but it is not a long-term solution. While the product can remove dirt and grime from the rubber surface of the blade, it can also cause damage by drying out the rubber and causing it to crack over time. WD-40 on your wiper blades can also leave an oily residue that may compromise their effectiveness. This residue can attract more dirt and debris onto the windshield, making it harder for your wipers to do their job correctly.

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Matthew Lloyd

Matthew Lloyd, a skilled professional in television sound, a passionate car enthusiast, and a dedicated supporter of the Scarlets. With a unique perspective that values individuality, brings their personal touch to everything he do.