How To Clean Car Seat Fabric Yourself?

Last Updated on October 6, 2023 by Matthew Lloyd

To clean car seat fabric, vacuum the seats to remove dirt and debris. Choose a suitable cleaning solution. Dilute the solution as recommended and spray it onto the fabric. Use a handheld brush with medium-stiff bristles to scrub the fabric, paying extra attention to heavily soiled areas and stains. Allow the fabric to air dry completely before evaluating the results. If needed, repeat the process or address specific stains separately. You can easily achieve a fresh and clean car interior with little effort and the right tools.

Step-By-Step Guide To Cleaning Car Seat Fabric

Clean Cloth Car Seats At Home
Clean Fabric Car Seats

Tools and Products You’ll Need

To clean your car seats fabric, you’ll need the following tools and products:

  1. Vacuum cleaner
  2. Handheld brush with medium-stiff bristles
  3. Towels (preferably microfiber)
  4. Cleaning solution (e.g., Super Clean, Simple Green, or Purple Power)


Before you start cleaning, removing loose dirt and debris from your car seat fabric is essential. Use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to thoroughly vacuum the car seats, carpets, and floor mats. This step will help prepare the surface for deep cleaning and prevent abrasive particles from scratching the fabric.

Choosing A Cleaning Solution

While various cleaning solutions are available in the market, we recommend using Super Clean for their effectiveness and wide availability. You can dilute the product 10 to 1 by mixing three ounces of Super Clean with 29 ounces of water in a 32-ounce bottle. Alternatively, you can purchase a ready-to-use 32-ounce bottle from your local store.

Applying The Cleaning Solution

Clean dirty stained seats
Apply The Cleaning Solution

Follow these steps to apply the cleaning solution and clean your car seats fabric:

  1. Spray the diluted cleaning solution onto the fabric surface, ensuring it is adequately saturated.
  2. Use a handheld brush with medium-stiff bristles to agitate the solution and work it into the fabric. Apply moderate pressure and scrub in circular motions.
  3. Focus on heavily soiled areas and stains, giving them extra attention.
  4. Be prepared to exert some physical effort, as manual scrubbing is required for a thorough clean.
  5. Avoid oversaturating the fabric to prevent excessive moisture from seeping into the foam beneath.

Drying And Evaluating The Results

After cleaning the car seat fabric, allow it to dry completely before assessing the results.

  1. Wait for the fabric to air dry naturally. The drying time may vary depending on the weather conditions, such as temperature and humidity.
  2. The fabric may take approximately 30 minutes to dry on a sunny day. However, in colder or rainy weather, it might require more time.
  3. You can place a fan near the seats or turn on the car’s heater to expedite drying.

Assessing The Outcome

Once the fabric is dry, you can evaluate the effectiveness of your cleaning efforts. Keep in mind the following points:

  1. The fabric may appear clean while still wet due to the moisture hiding any remaining stains.
  2. Inspect the seats under good lighting conditions to spot any lingering dirt or stains.
  3. Repeat the cleaning process if necessary, focusing on specific problem areas.

Benefits Of Clean Car Seats:

Importance of Giving Your Car Seats Regular Cleaning
Benefits of Car Seat Cleaning
  1. Improved aesthetics: Clean car seats instantly enhance the overall appearance of your vehicle’s interior, giving it a fresh and well-maintained look.
  2. Enhanced comfort: Cleaning removes dirt, dust, and allergens, creating a healthier and more comfortable environment for you and your passengers.
  3. Odor elimination: Cleaning eliminates unpleasant odors caused by spills, stains, or trapped dirt, resulting in a more enjoyable driving experience.
  4. Extended lifespan: Keeping car seats clean prevents dirt and grime from causing premature wear and tear, potentially extending the fabric’s lifespan.
  5. Health and hygiene: Removing dirt, bacteria, and allergens from car seats contributes to a healthier and more hygienic interior environment, especially for individuals with respiratory sensitivities or allergies.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Will I get tired from cleaning the entire car interior?

Yes, cleaning the entire car interior can be physically demanding. Here are some tips to make the process easier:
Break the cleaning into smaller sections across the day or week. -Focus on the heaviest parts first to tackle the dirtiest areas.
Pace yourself and take breaks when needed to avoid fatigue.

How long does it take for the fabric to dry?

The drying time depends on weather conditions. On a hot day, with windows down or doors open, it should take approximately 1-2 hours for the fabric to dry completely. However, colder or rainy weather may prolong the drying process.

Can I use a different cleaning solution?

Yes, you can use alternatives like Simple Green or Purple Power if they are readily available. The key is to choose a cleaning solution that is effective on fabric and safe for your car’s interior.

How to clean cloth car seat stains?

To clean stains from cloth car seats, follow these steps:
Vacuum the seats to remove loose dirt and debris.
Pre-treat the stains with a specialized fabric stain remover.
As recommended, dilute a cleaning solution (e.g., Super Clean) and apply it to the fabric.
Use a handheld brush to scrub the stained areas gently.
Allow the fabric to air dry completely before assessing the outcome.
Repeat the process or address specific stains separately if necessary.

How to clean cloth car seats with household products?

While specialized cleaning solutions are recommended, you can also try household products like mild dish soap, vinegar, and water to clean cloth car seats. Dilute the chosen product, apply it to the fabric, and scrub with a handheld brush. Ensure proper ventilation and allow the fabric to air dry completely.

How to clean stained cloth car seats?

To clean stained cloth car seats, pre-treat the stains with a specialized fabric stain remover. Then, follow the vacuuming steps, applying a cleaning solution, scrubbing, and air drying. Repeat the process or target specific stains separately for thorough stain removal.

What to use to clean car seat cloth?

You can use a suitable cleaning solution like Super Clean, Simple Green, or Purple Power to clean car seat cloth. Dilute the solution as recommended, apply it to the fabric, and scrub with a handheld brush. Use towels for drying.

What is the best way to clean car seats?

The best way to clean car seats is by vacuuming to remove loose dirt, applying a suitable cleaning solution, scrubbing with a handheld brush, and allowing the fabric to air dry completely. Repeat the process or address specific stains separately if necessary. Using specialized cleaning products designed for fabric upholstery yields the best results.

Where to clean car seats?

You can clean car seats at home or with a professional car detailing service. Cleaning them at home allows you to save money and have more control over the process. However, if you prefer professional expertise and equipment, you can take your car to a trusted car detailing center to have the seats cleaned.

Key Notes And Important Points:

  • Vacuum the fabric before cleaning to remove loose dirt and debris.
  • Dilute the cleaning solution according to the recommended ratio.
  • Spray the solution onto the fabric and scrub with a handheld brush.
  • Focus on heavily soiled areas and stains.
  • Allow the fabric to air dry completely before evaluating the results.
  • If needed, repeat the cleaning process or address specific stains separately.


Cleaning your car seat fabric doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right tools, products, and techniques, you can achieve impressive results on your own. Following the step-by-step guide in this article, you can transform your car’s interior and restore the freshness to your cloth seats, carpets, and floor mats.

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Matthew Lloyd

Matthew Lloyd, a skilled professional in television sound, a passionate car enthusiast, and a dedicated supporter of the Scarlets. With a unique perspective that values individuality, brings their personal touch to everything he do.