How To Clean Sticky Buttons In Car?

Last Updated on October 6, 2023 by Matthew Lloyd

Car buttons can become sticky over time due to dirt and grime buildup, as well as oils and other substances that get on them. This can cause the buttons to become clogged, making it difficult for them to move freely and properly. You can take to clean your car’s buttons and restore their original function. Using the wrong cleaning solution on car buttons can cause damage, so it’s important to know what type of material you’re working with.

Cleaning Sticky Buttons In Car

Cleaning Sticky Buttons In Car
Cleaning Sticky Buttons

You Will Need

You Will Need
Things needed for cleaninng
  • A Soft Cloth
  • Q-Tips
  • Isopropyl Alcohol (75% Concentration)



Pick A Cleaner For Different Materials: 

Distilled water can be used for every type of button.

Chrome Or Metal Buttons: Window Cleaner

Plastic: Adhesive Remover

Rubber: Isopropyl Alcohol

Leather: Contact Cleaner

Disruption Of The Power Supply: 

Disruption Of The Power Supply
Power Supply

It’s best to disconnect the power supply before cleaning sticky buttons. Doing this will ensure that no electrical interference occurs during the cleaning process.

Examine And Test The Cleaner On A Small Area: 

Examine And Test The Cleaner On A Small Area
Examine And Test The Cleaner

Before you start cleaning your car buttons, test the cleaner on a small area to ensure it doesn’t cause any damage. If the surface is damaged or discolored after testing, choose another cleaner for that particular material.

Start With A Soft Cloth: 

Start With A Soft Cloth
Start cleaning With A Soft Cloth

Use a soft cloth to remove any dirt and dust buildup around the button area. Make sure to be gentle when wiping down the area.

Apply The Cleaner: 

Apply The Cleaner
Apply The Cleaner

Gently dab a small amount of the cleaner onto your soft cloth and apply it on each button until the stickiness is gone. Make sure to use only a little cleaner, as this could damage the buttons or interior of your car.

Wipe Off Any Excess Cleaner: 

Wipe Off Any Excess Cleaner
Wipe Off Any Excess Cleaner

Using a new clean cloth, wipe off any excess cleaner. Make sure to be gentle and not rub too hard, as this could damage the buttons or interior of your car.

Use Q-Tips For Hard-To-Reach Areas: 

Use Q-Tips For Hard-To-Reach Areas
Use Q-Tips For Hard-To-Reach Areas

If there are any hard-to-reach areas, use a Q-tip with the same cleaner you used before. Gently dab the Q-tip into the cleaner and apply it to the sticky areas of the buttons.

Air Dry Thoroughly: 

Air Dry Thoroughly
Air Dry Thoroughly

Allow your buttons to air dry thoroughly before using them again. Make sure that all of the cleaners have evaporated before touching any buttons.

Double-Check All The Controls And Buttons: 

Double-Check All The Controls And Buttons
Double-Check All The Controls And Buttons

After the cleaning process, be sure to check all of your buttons and controls. Make sure that they are functioning before you start driving.

Additional Tips

Additional Tips
Additional Tips for cleaning
  • Consider using compressed air to remove dust and dirt particles from car buttons. Doing this will help prevent them from becoming sticky again.
  • Use only gentle cleaners to avoid damaging the buttons or interior of your car.
  • Instead of using a cloth, consider using cotton swabs for hard-to-reach areas. They are more precise and can reach small crevices better than a cloth.
  • Make sure to clean all surfaces thoroughly before you start driving again.
  • Inspect your car regularly for any signs of wear and tear. This will help identify any potential problems before they become more serious.
  • Choose an electronic-safe cleaner that is appropriate for your safe type.


When Should Steering Wheel Buttons Be Replaced?

When Should Steering Wheel Buttons Be Replaced
Replaced Steering Wheel Buttons

The answer to this question depends on the condition of your buttons. If they are sticky, grimy, or otherwise worn down, it may be time to replace them. But if a quick cleaning can restore their former glory and usability, you should go for that option first.

Is Wd-40 Good For Cleaning Sticky Buttons In The Car?

Is Wd-40 Good For Cleaning Sticky Buttons In The Car
Using WD-40 for cleaning

WD-40 is a great option for cleaning sticky buttons in the car! It helps to loosen up any grime or residue and makes it easier to wipe away.

Will Sanitizer Remove The Sticky Residue?

Will Sanitizer Remove The Sticky Residue
Remove The Sticky Residue with Sanitizer

Sanitizer can be used to remove the sticky residue from your car buttons. Spray a small amount of sanitizer onto a cloth and wipe it over the buttons until they are free of dirt and grime. Clean them with a damp cloth and dry them afterward.

Do Makeup Removal Wipes Work For Cleaning Car Buttons?

Do Makeup Removal Wipes Work For Cleaning Car Buttons
Clean Car Buttons with Makeup Removal Wipes

Makeup removal wipes can be an effective option for cleaning car buttons.


Cleaning sticky car buttons is a simple task that can take just a few minutes of your time and restore their original function. However, it’s important to choose the right cleaner for the job depending on the material of your buttons. With regular maintenance and patience, you can keep your car’s buttons functioning and looking their best for years to come.

Top Need To Be Replace
Matthew Lloyd

Matthew Lloyd, a skilled professional in television sound, a passionate car enthusiast, and a dedicated supporter of the Scarlets. With a unique perspective that values individuality, brings their personal touch to everything he do.

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