How To Clean Bugs Off Car Windshield?

Last Updated on October 6, 2023 by Matthew Lloyd

When it comes to driving, nothing is more annoying than having bugs splattered all over your car’s windshield. Not only does it look gross, but it can also obstruct your vision and make driving dangerous. Fortunately, several effective ways to clean bugs off your car windshield exist.

Different Methods To Clean Bugs Off The Car Windshield:

Different Methods To Clean Bugs Off The Car Windshield
Different Methods To Clean Bugs

Using Baking Soda

Using Baking Soda
Cleaning Bug with Baking Soda

Baking soda is a versatile household item used for various cleaning tasks, including removing bugs from your car windshield.

  1. Mix baking soda with water to create a paste-like consistency.
  2. Apply the mixture on the surface of your windshield and let it sit for about five minutes. This will loosen up the dead bugs stuck on your windshield.
  3. After five minutes, use a soft-bristled brush or sponge to scrub off the bugs gently. Start from one end and work towards the other in small circular motions.
  4. Avoid harsh abrasives like steel wool, which may damage your windshield’s surface.
  5. Once you have removed all the bugs from your windshield, rinse it thoroughly with clean water and dry it using a microfiber cloth or chamois leather.

Not only does baking soda help remove bugs effectively, but it also leaves your windshield sparkling clean without leaving any residue behind.

Using Dryer Sheets:

Using Dryer Sheets
Using Dryer Sheets for cleaning Bug
  1. Wet the affected area with water and gently rub it with the dryer sheet. The slightly abrasive texture of the sheet helps to loosen up the bug residue without scratching your car’s surface.
  2. Depending on how many bugs you’re dealing with, you may need multiple sheets.
  3. Once you’ve wiped away as much of the bug residue as possible, rinse off your car with water and dry it thoroughly.

Using Oil:

Using Oil
Use Oil for cleaning Bug

One of the most effective ways to remove bugs from windshields is by using oil.

  1. Pour some baby oil onto a soft towel and gently rub it onto the affected areas of your car’s windshield and front bumper. The oil will break down the enzymes in the bugs, making them easier to remove.
  2. Don’t use too much pressure when rubbing, as this could cause scratches on your car’s paintwork.
  3. Make sure to rinse any excess oil with warm water and soap after removing all the bug guts, as leaving oil on your car can attract dust and dirt, which can become difficult to remove later on.

With a Magic Eraser:

With a Magic Eraser
Using Magic Eraser
  1. Wet the magic eraser sponge gently scrub the bug residue off the glass.
  2. Apply enough pressure to remove the bugs without damaging the windshield.
  3. Rinse the area with water after using the eraser and dry thoroughly with a clean cloth.

While this method may not eliminate all bug stains from your car, it is a quick and easy solution for removing smaller spots without damaging your paint job. Remember not to apply too much pressure while using the eraser, which could scratch or damage your car’s surface.

How To Prevent Bug Splatters On Your Car?

Bug Deflector:

Bug Deflector
Bug Deflector

A bug deflector is a simple device that attaches to the front of your car and deflects bugs away from your windshield, preventing them from leaving unsightly marks. Not only does a bug deflector keep your windshield looking great, but it also improves visibility while driving. Busts hitting your windshield at high speeds can create dangerous blind spots that obstruct your vision.


Applying wax on car’s windshield

Applying wax to your car’s windshield creates a protective layer that repels bugs and prevents them from sticking to the surface. This means that when encountering bugs while driving, they are more likely to slide right off instead of leaving behind unsightly stains. This makes it easier to clean your windshield and helps preserve the clarity of the glass by reducing damage from acidic bug residue.

Why Do New Cars Still Get Lots Of Bug Splatters?

Why Do New Cars Still Get Lots Of Bug Splatters
Insects are attracted to light-colored

This is because insects are naturally more attracted to light-colored surfaces, especially those that are reflective or shiny. Modern car paints and coatings also tend to be more resistant to scratches but can be less effective at repelling bugs.

Can Automatic Car Washes Clean Dead Bugs Off Your Vehicle?

Can Automatic Car Washes Clean Dead Bugs Off Your Vehicle
Using Automatic Car Washes

Most automatic car washes use high-pressure water jets to remove dirt and grime from your vehicle. While this can be effective for removing some types of debris, it may not be enough to remove dead bugs from your car’s surface fully. If you have a lot of stuck-on bugs, using an automatic car wash might worsen the problem by spreading them around.

If you’re dealing with stubborn bug residue on your windshield or other areas of your vehicle, it’s best to take matters into your own hands. Many different bug-removal products are available at auto supply stores specifically designed to break down and dissolve insect remains.

What Do Car Detailers Use To Remove Bugs?

A Bug Scrubber Pad:

A Bug Scrubber Pad
Using A Bug Scrubber Pad

These sponges are designed to remove bugs and other debris from the windshield without damaging the glass. They are made of a soft yet durable material tough enough to scrub away even the toughest bug stains.

A Specialized Bug Remover Spray: 

A Specialized Bug Remover Spray
Using Specialized Bug Remover Spray


This spray contains powerful cleaning agents that break down and dissolve insect residue on contact. Simply spray it onto the affected area, wait a few seconds, and then wipe it away with a clean cloth or towel.

What Is A Natural Bug Killer For Cars?

Using Vinegar And Water
Use Vinegar for cleaning Bug

Using Vinegar And Water:

Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle, then apply the solution directly to any affected areas of your vehicle’s exterior. The vinegar’s acidity helps break down the enzymes in bug residue, making it easier to remove with a soft cloth or sponge.

Using Baking Soda Paste Mixed With Warm Water
Using Baking Soda for cleaning Bug

Using Baking Soda Paste Mixed With Warm Water:

Combine baking soda and warm water with 3:1 until you have a thick paste. Apply this paste directly onto any bug residue on your car’s surface and let sit for 5-10 minutes before wiping it off with a wet cloth or sponge. While these methods may not work as quickly as chemical-based cleaners, they’re much safer for you and the environment while being highly effective at eliminating pesky insects in your car!


Several effective methods exist to clean bugs off a car windshield. One of the most popular and easiest ways is to use a mixture of water and vinegar. This solution can be sprayed onto the windshield before scrubbing with a soft-bristled brush or sponge. Another effective method is using bug and tar remover products widely available in auto shops. These products have powerful chemicals that dissolve the bugs on contact, making it easier to wipe them away with a towel or cloth.

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Matthew Lloyd

Matthew Lloyd, a skilled professional in television sound, a passionate car enthusiast, and a dedicated supporter of the Scarlets. With a unique perspective that values individuality, brings their personal touch to everything he do.